Лого на no-code.bg

Добре дошли в no-code.bg, блогът за безкодови технологии, автоматизации, дизайн и бизенс. Тук ще откриете изчерпателна информация за всичко случващо се около нарастващата тенденция за използване на безkодови технологии и всички врати, които отварят те.

August 1, 2022
40 min.

WordPress vs Webflow: Which is better in 2023?

WordPress or Webflow? Which of the two systems is better today? In search of the answer, we made a large-scale comparative analysis. In an effort to be as objective as possible, we followed the entire process of development and maintenance of a website in parallel for both systems. Finally, we compared the cost of building an example project. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive Internet article on the subject to date.

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WordPress vs Webflow: Which is better in 2023?
Цвета Панчева
Георги Ангелов
Full Stack Web Designer
This project was developed without code, but with a lot of love and the help of:
Лого на WebflowЛого на Clients First Лого на EmptyUIЛого на IDIT WEB
WordPress vs Webflow: Which is better in 2023?

WordPress vs Webflow: Which is better in 2023?

WordPress or Webflow? Which of the two systems is better today? In search of the answer, we made a large-scale comparative analysis. In an effort to be as objective as possible, we followed the entire process of development and maintenance of a website in parallel for both systems. Finally, we compared the cost of building an example project. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive Internet article on the subject to date.

Why no-code is the future of web design and development?

Why no-code is the future of web design and development?

I am writing this article from the point of view of someone who has developed websites professionally for two decades. I’ve gone through all big changes in web. Until now I have never been confronted with a methodology, concept or software, which can answer all my needs and wishes as a web designer. Now, after having worked with no-code technology for 2 years, I firmly believe that this is the future of web development. Here is why…

Inspiration: 10 Great Sites Built Using Webflow

Inspiration: 10 Great Sites Built Using Webflow

This month we have selected the ten most interesting projects we came across that were created using no-code technologies.

What is no-code?

What is no-code?

In the past couple of years, no-code became a buzz word. But what does “no-code technology” mean? Is it a solution to all problems? Who is it suitable for? Why is it becoming popular at this precise point in time? What are the advantages and disadvantages of no-code? Is it just a short-lived trend or the future of software development? Read on to find out the answers to these questions!

A (relatively) brief history of no-code

A (relatively) brief history of no-code

The no-code movement is getting more popular by the day. Many people claim that this is the future of software development. But where, when and how did it begin?

Expect soon...


Be a boring designer

This article is inspired by my work with beginning designers and students. In it I will share with you how to start and what steps you need to go through to be good designers. Regardless of which codeless technology you choose, you will need design skills.


Who is Webflow suitable for and who is not?

Webflow is a powerful no-code tool for web development. It makes it possible to meet the needs of a wide range of businesses in an extremely short time frame. But despite its huge advantages, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Who is Webflow suitable for?

after that

Who to start with Webflow?

In this how-to, I'll share with you how to get started with Webflow. What knowledge do you need? What should you anticipate beforehand? How long it will take you and what mistakes to avoid.

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